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Scale Drawings

7th Grade

Alabama Course of Study Standards: 17

Solve problems involving scale drawings of geometric figures, including computation of actual lengths and areas from a scale drawing and reproduction of a scale drawing at a different scale.

Arizona Academic Standards: 7.G.A.1

Solve problems involving scale drawings of geometric figures, such as computing actual lengths and areas from a scale drawing and reproducing a scale drawing at a different scale.

Common Core State Standards: Math.7.G.1 or 7.G.A.1

Solve problems involving scale drawings of geometric figures, including computing actual lengths and areas from a scale drawing and reproducing a scale drawing at a different scale.

North Carolina - Standard Course of Study: 7.G.1

Solve problems involving scale drawings of geometric figures by:
  • Building an understanding that angle measures remain the same and side lengths are proportional.
  • Using a scale factor to compute actual lengths and areas from a scale drawing.
  • Creating a scale drawing.

Ohio's Learning Standards: 7.G.1

Solve problems involving similar figures with right triangles, other triangles, and special quadrilaterals.
  1. Compute actual lengths and areas from a scale drawing and reproduce a scale drawing at a different scale.
  2. Represent proportional relationships within and between similar figures.

Pennsylvania Core Standards: CC.2.3.7.A.2

Visualize and represent geometric figures and describe the relationships between them.

Pennsylvania Core Standards: M07.C-G.1.1.1

Solve problems involving scale drawings of geometric figures, including finding length and area.

Florida - Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking: MA.7.GR.1.5

Solve mathematical and real-world problems involving dimensions and areas of geometric figures, including scale drawings and scale factors.

Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE): 7.PAR.4.6

Solve everyday problems involving scale drawings of geometric figures, including computing actual lengths and areas from a scale drawing and reproducing a scale drawing at a different scale.

Arkansas Academic Standards: 7.GM.6

Calculate the scale factor, compute the actual lengths from the scale in a drawing, and reproduce a scale drawing using another scale.

7th Grade Math - Scale Drawings Lesson

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