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Irregular Words and Phonics

2nd Grade

Arizona Academic Standards: 2.RF.3.a

Common Core State Standards: Literacy.RF.2.3a

Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE): ELAGSE2RF3a

Kentucky Academic Standards (KAS): RF.2.3.a

Mississippi College- and Career-Readiness Standards: RF.2.3a

North Carolina - Standard Course of Study: RF.2.4.a

Tennessee Academic Standards: 2.FL.PWR.3.a

Distinguish long and short vowels when reading regularly spelled one-syllable words.

New York State Next Generation Learning Standards: 2RF3a

Distinguish long and short vowels when reading regularly spelled one-syllable words (including common vowel teams).

Alabama Course of Study Standards: 8

Apply knowledge of voiced and unvoiced sounds and manner of articulation to distinguish between commonly-confused vowel sounds and commonly-confused cognate consonant sounds.
Examples: /f/ and /v/, /p/ and /b/, /k/ and /g/, /t/ and /d/, /ch/ and /sh/, /e/ and /i/, /e/, and /a/
Note: This is extremely important as a foundational phonemic awareness skill for all learners.

Arizona Academic Standards: 2.RF.3.b

Common Core State Standards: Literacy.RF.2.3b

Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE): ELAGSE2RF3b

Kentucky Academic Standards (KAS): RF.2.3.b

Mississippi College- and Career-Readiness Standards: RF.2.3b

North Carolina - Standard Course of Study: RF.2.4.b

Tennessee Academic Standards: 2.FL.PWR.3.b

Know spelling-sound correspondences for additional common vowel teams.

New Jersey Student Learning Standards: RF.2.3.A

Know spelling-sound correspondences for common vowel teams.

Alabama Course of Study Standards: 10

Apply knowledge of phoneme-grapheme correspondences, multisyllabic word construction, and syllable division principles to decode and encode (spell) words accurately in isolation and in context.
  1. Decode multisyllabic words with common syllable patterns, including open/closed, vowel-r, vowel-consonant-e, vowel teams, consonant-le, and schwa syllables.
  2. Apply knowledge of multisyllabic word construction and syllable division principles to decode grade-appropriate multisyllabic words.
    Examples: VC/CV, V/CV, VC/V, CV/VC; rab-bit, o-pen, cab-in, li-on
  3. Decode and encode words with three-consonant blends and blends containing digraphs.
  4. Decode and encode words with consonant digraphs, trigraphs, and combinations.
    Examples: qu, sh, ch, th, ph, wh, tch, dge
  5. Decode and encode words with variable vowel teams and vowel diphthongs.
    Examples: oi, oy; ou, ow; au, aw; oo, ew, ue; ee, ea; igh, ie; ai, ay
  6. Decode and encode words with vowel-r combinations.
    Examples: ar, air, are, ear, eer, er, ere, eir, ir, or, oar, ore, our, ur
  7. Decode and encode words that follow the -ild, -ost, -old, -olt, and -ind patterns.
    Examples: wild, most, cold, colt, mind
  8. Decode and encode words with a after w read /ä/ and a before l read /â/.
    Examples: wash, water, wasp; tall, all, talk, small, fall
  9. Decode and encode words with or after w read /er/.
    Examples: world, word, worm, worst, work
  10. Decode and encode words with the hard and soft sounds of c and g, in context and in isolation.
    Examples: c=/k/ before a, o, u, or any consonant and c= /s/ before i, e, or y g=/g/before a, o, u, or any consonant and g=/j/ before i, e, or y
  11. Decode and encode words with vowel y in the final position of one and two syllable words, distinguishing the difference between the long /?/ sound in one-syllable words and the long /?/ sound in two-syllable words, and words with vowel y in medial position, producing the short /?/ sound for these words.
    Examples: fly, my; baby, happy; myth, gym
  12. Decode words with silent letter combinations.
    Examples: kn, mb, gh
  13. Decode and encode words with prefixes and suffixes, including words with dropped e and y-to-i changes for suffix addition.
    Examples: pro-, trans-, non-, mid-; -ful, -less, -ness, -ed, ing, -es, -er, -est, -en, -y, -ly
  14. Decode and encode grade-appropriate high frequency words that are spelled using predictable, decodable phoneme-grapheme correspondences, including those that contain only one irregularity.
    Examples: decodable - number, way, my, than, word
    decodable except for one irregularity - other (o is schwa), from- (o is schwa)
    what - (a is schwa or short o depending on dialect)
  15. Decode and encode contractions with am, is, has, not, have, would, and will.
    Examples: I’m, he’s, she’s, isn’t, don’t, I’ve, he’d, they’ll

Arizona Academic Standards: 2.RF.3.c

Identify and apply all six syllable types to decode appropriate grade-level text.

Common Core State Standards: Literacy.RF.2.3c

Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE): ELAGSE2RF3c

Kentucky Academic Standards (KAS): RF.2.3.c

Mississippi College- and Career-Readiness Standards: RF.2.3c

North Carolina - Standard Course of Study: RF.2.4.c

New Jersey Student Learning Standards: RF.2.3.B

Tennessee Academic Standards: 2.FL.PWR.3.c

Decode regularly spelled two-syllable words with long vowels.

New York State Next Generation Learning Standards: 2RF3b

Decode short and long vowel sounds in two-syllable words.

Wisconsin Academic Standards: RF.2.3.c

Decode and encode regularly spelled one, two, and some three syllable CVC pattern words (e.g., 1 syllable: mat, 2 syllable: picnic, 3 syllable: fantastic, etc.).

Arizona Academic Standards: 2.RF.3.e

Common Core State Standards: Literacy.RF.2.3e

Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE): ELAGSE2RF3e

Kentucky Academic Standards (KAS): RF.2.3.e

Mississippi College- and Career-Readiness Standards: RF.2.3e

North Carolina - Standard Course of Study: RF.2.4.e

New Jersey Student Learning Standards: RF.2.3.D

Tennessee Academic Standards: 2.FL.PWR.3.e

Identify words with inconsistent but common spelling-sound correspondences.

Wisconsin Academic Standards: RF.2.3.e

Decode regularly spelled two-syllable words with long vowels. Encode some of these words.
  • Know when to drop the final e when adding an -ing, -ed endings. (Silent-e vowel pattern base word).
  • Know when to double the final consonant when adding a suffix. -ing, -ed.

Arizona Academic Standards: 2.RF.3.f

Common Core State Standards: Literacy.RF.2.3f

Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE): ELAGSE2RF4d

Kentucky Academic Standards (KAS): RF.2.3.f

Mississippi College- and Career-Readiness Standards: RF.2.3f

North Carolina - Standard Course of Study: RF.2.4.f

New Jersey Student Learning Standards: RF.2.3.E

Tennessee Academic Standards: 2.FL.PWR.3.f

Recognize and read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words.

New York State Next Generation Learning Standards: 2RF3e

Read all common high-frequency words by sight.

Pennsylvania Core Standards: CC.1.1.2.D

Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
  • Distinguish long and short vowels when reading regularly spelled one-syllable words.
  • Decode two-syllable words with long vowels and words with common prefixes and suffixes.
  • Read grade-level high-frequency sight words and words with inconsistent but common spelling-sound correspondences.
  • Read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words.

Florida - Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking: ELA.2.F.1.3

Use knowledge of grade-appropriate phonics and word-analysis skills to decode words.

a. Decode words with variable vowel teams (e.g., oo, ea, ou) and vowel diphthongs (e.g.,oi, oy,ow).
b. Decode regularly spelled two-syllable words with long and short vowels.
c. Decode words with open (e.g., hi, baby, moment) and closed (e.g., bag, sunshine,chop) syllables and consonant -le (e.g., purple, circle,stumble).
d. Decode words with common prefixes and suffixes.
e. Decode words with silent letter combinations (e.g.,knight, comb, island,ghost).

Arkansas Academic Standards: 2.FR.1.PD

Decode one-syllable words with vowel teams (e.g., haul, straw, clue, chief, key, bread).

Arkansas Academic Standards: 2.FR.2.PD

Decode one-syllable words containing multiple sounds of c and g (e.g., clamp, sent, cinch; goat, gland, germ, gem).

Arkansas Academic Standards: 2.FR.3.PD

Decode words with silent letters (e.g., knit, gnat, wrap, comb).

Arkansas Academic Standards: 2.FR.4.PD

Decode two-syllable base words with grade level letter-sound correspondences (e.g., dollar, wrestle, kidney).

2nd Grade Reading - Irregular Words and Phonics Lesson

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