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Structure and Development

1st Grade

Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS): 1.11.B.(i)

Develop drafts in oral, pictorial, or written form by:

(i) organizing with structure; and

Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS): 1.11.B.(ii)

Develop drafts in oral, pictorial, or written form by:

(ii) developing an idea with specific and relevant details;

Florida - Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking: ELA.1.C.1.5

With guidance and support from adults, improve writing, as needed, by planning, revising, and editing.

Florida - Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking: ELA.1.C.4.1

Participate in research to gather information to answer a question about a single topic

Arkansas Academic Standards: 1.W.4.P

Produce clear and coherent writing, using precise language, relevant details, and grade-appropriate conventions.

Arkansas Academic Standards: 1.W.5.P

Organize writing to include a sense of closure.

Arkansas Academic Standards: 1.W.6.P

Use transitional words to connect ideas.

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